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Your estate plan

Step 3: How your estate should be distributed to your heirs

Here you can provide for your loved ones, give specific gifts to individuals or organizations, or exclude someone from your will. You can describe specific pieces of real estate or personal property, specific accounts, or general amounts.


You can also make contingent gifts, which may vary based on the circumstances (e.g. "I give my '64 Mustang to my brother, but if he's no longer driving, I give it to his oldest child)".


General Estate Distribution Plan

This is sometimes referred to as the "residuary clause" or the "residue". It's how all assets which haven't been specifically gifted will be distributed.

Most common distribution pattern for similarly-situated people (this will be the default if this section is left blank):

Specific Gifts to Individuals and Organizations

These gifts will be given first, and any remaining assets will be distributed according to the general estate distribution plan above.

Excluding (Disinheriting) Someone from Your Estate

If needed, you can exclude someone from your will (also known as "disinheriting" them). You do not need to state the reason that you are excluding them, but you can if you want.

Next step: Review and submit your information...
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